In the Curious Squirrels room we have 2-3 year old children.
We also follow the document Pre-birth to three. As well as many of the activities already mentioned for the Baby Room your child will also be able to participate in:
• Extensive selection of books, stories, poems and rhymes to encourage communication and language.
• Multi-cultural musical instruments, singing, action songs, musical games, music and movement.
• Daily opportunities for outdoor play for health, fitness, and physical development.
• Sand play, water play to introduce early science concepts such as pouring, measuring, wet, dry, full, empty.
• Extensive opportunities for encouraging expressive development through painting, gluing and drawing using a variety of art materials.
• Playdough and clay are sensory experiences that encourage small motor skills in hands and fingers.
• Roleplay through dressing up, using puppets, and ‘let’s pretend' in the home corner. Children use role-play to make sense of the world around them through acting out familiar experiences.
• Planting and growing activities both in the garden and indoors to encourage the children to care for living things and gain knowledge of nature.