Funded Hours/Cross-Boundary
At Cassiltoun Stables Nursery we work in partnership with Glasgow City Council. Children can attend Cassiltoun and receive their funded hours. Free at Three
Children are entitled to their free nursery place from the day after their third birthday. Currently 1140 hours per year.
Your child can attend nursery for between 24 and 30 hours free per week. At Cassiltoun Stables Nursery you can opt for 5 mornings (7.30 am-1 pm), 5 Afternoon's (1 pm-5.45 pm), or 3 days (7.30 am-4.30 pm). To extend full days to 5.45pm there is a charge of £7.50. If you require any further information, please ask in the office.
Cross Boundary
If you currently live out with Glasgow and you would like your child to attend a Cassiltoun Stables nursery for their free hours, the nursery needs to apply to your current council for cross-boundary funding. This can only be applied for in March for the following August term each year and cannot be applied for midterm.
All decisions are out with the nurseries control so please inform the nursery in plenty of time should this apply to your family.